The Invitation by Oriah Mountain Dreamer

It doesn’t interest me what you do for a living. I want to know what you ache for and if you dare to dream of meeting your heart’s longing. It doesn’t interest me how old you are. I want to know if you will risk looking like a fool for love, for your dream, for…

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FREE guided midday meditation

Cultivate peace and calm, strengthen your nervous system, decrease stress, open your heart with a regular meditation practice.  There is an abundance of research showing the real benefits of meditation for the whole of your being.  If you’ve been intimidated or reluctant for any reason, this is an opportunity to start slow with guidance.  You…

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Free Solstice Meditation

Free meditation 5:30-6:30 PM EST 21 December. Join me for brief movement followed by silent meditation and a gentle balancing breathing practice.  On the darkest night, go to the light within, nurture your light and appreciate the dark.  Retreat, refresh, reboot, renew.  2020 has been a year with so much to process.  Let’s sit still,…

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First Wednesday Master Class

Join me on the first Wednesday of each month for a different kind of class.  What we study will be a surprise.  Take a deeper dive into some aspect of the practice (other than asana/posture). Maybe philosophy, pranayama, chakras, mudras, the Yamas & Niyamas, chanting or anatomy.  Who knows?!  Practice not knowing and let it…

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Shop Small & save

Enroll your American Express card in the Shop Small program and receive a $5 credit when you use your eligible card to pay for your yoga! Who doesn’t like a few bucks back in their pocket??  Thanks AmEx for supporting small businesses!

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Lighthouse Beach Yoga 2020 info

Yoga on the beach

Step 2 of Stage 2 re-opening of Mass, Gov. Baker has mandated that we can be 2 groups of 12 with 20′ between each group and 6′ social distance between each member of a group.  These number restrictions therefore require advanced registration.  Simply walking onto the beach and spreading out your towel, NOT AN OPTION…

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Metta (lovingkindness, friendliness) meditation

Offer Metta to yourself anytime, anywhere.  All the time, everywhere.  Metta meditation can be done anywhere, anytime. Begin by offering yourself heartfelt, sincere lovingkindness.  A wish for the heart, soul, mind and body.  Here’s one of my personal favorites: May I be filled with lovingkindness May I be safe from inner and outer harm May…

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Fundraiser for the Cape Cod Needy Fund

INCREDIBLE!  As of 6:40 PM on May 6, 2020, we raised $4847 to help our neighbors wishes come true.  To stay in their own home, to have food in the pantry, a reliable car to get to work, heat in the winter, medicine to heal.   Wednesday 6 May 5:30-6:30 PM A calming and relaxing…

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Are you properly hydrated?

Very few of us are.  The most recent study I read says that in order to be properly hydrated one needs to drink half their body weight in ounces each day.  For example, if you weigh 120 lbs, you need to be drinking 60 ozs of water.  And if you drink alcohol or caffeine, you’ll…

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Create sacred space

Now that we are settling into a regular routine of home practice (hopefully together on Zoom), consider making your practice space even more inviting and special.  Create an alter.  Doesn’t have to be anything fancy or complicated, it’s for you by you.  Gather a few meaningful objects together and put them on display.  Maybe a…

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